There are places that belong to you and places you belong to.
Florence is a return, a reunion with a distant past, with what has been and always will be my only true origin.
After decades of living in Milan and in the Piedmontese Alps of Ossola, Florence welcomed me with all its splendour.
From endocrinologist to entrepreneur and designer, through a complex life path, in Florence I conceived my Locus Amoenus, dreamed and idealized as my place of heart and soul.
Fosca and Pia Degl’Innocenti, together with the charm of the great woman Augusta Galardi, my real family, inextricably bind me to this city and also imprint my Space with their essence.
Socrates, Plato and Aristotle advocate Eudemonism, the moral doctrine that legitimizes human’s aspiration to happiness.
The ultimate goal of human’s life is the attainment of it.
Happiness is within each of us, but we must find it.
This afflatus motivates our life, it is the light that guides our step, it is the star that guides our path. As Leonardo da Vinci said: “non si volta chi a stella è fisso”.
And it is through this research that we arrive at a transformation:
what the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the rest of the world calls a butterfly.
I am that butterfly, capable of contemplating, admiring and marveling at beauty, to fully experience this extraordinary Cradle of the Renaissance, pushed by humanism to incredible heights.